ESE Direct

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Staff Spotlight - Vicky Frost

Vicky Frost 2014

It was September 2014 and Vicky was new to us at ESE, we asked her a selection of questions, here is how she answered.

What is your role at ESE Direct?

I’m one of the friendly Sales Co-ordinators

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to watch Liverpool play (win) at the weekends with my partner, I also like to play on the Xbox one, you can’t go wrong playing a little bit of Call Of Duty Online, I’m pretty good for a girl

Who are you listening to at the moment?

Oh it has to be Will-i-am Birthday! I can’t get enough of that song, I can play it 100 times over and over.

What was the last book you read?

Well I’m still reading 50 shades of grey. The movie is out soon so I’ll wait for the film to come out.

What is your favourite film/last film you saw?

Last film I saw was 22 Jump Street, but my favourite film has to be The Little Mermaid! Brings back so many memories.


If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?

Well I would have: Raheem Sterling- my favourite Liverpool player ever! I love the way he runs! (look at his arms and hands)
Adam Saleh - he's from a Group called TRUE STORY ASA on YouTube, he does Vlogs around New York.(plus he's very good looking )
Sheldon Cooper - from the big bang theory! I would love to have a friendly argument with him haha.


What is your hidden talent?

Well I don’t have many but I can do a good Roy Hodgson impersonation (so I have been told)

Vicky and Gemma sporting some 

serious mustaches

It doesn't seem possible that a year has flown by since Vicky joined us and she answered our fun questionnaire. So, it was time to interview her once again and discover her latest news and views!

What is your role at ESE Direct?

Sales Co-ordinator

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Call of duty! On the Xbox of course! Watching horror movies, Football-YNWA! Spending time with my partner.

Who are you listening to at the moment?

The Weekend by The Hills

What is the most embarrassing MP3/CD/Cassette? or record(?!) you own?

Singalong with Disney! Although it’s for my niece and nephew I do play it in the car!

What was the last book you read and would you recommend it?

I’m still on 50 shades of grey so far its good but the movie is out!

What are your top 5 favourite films?

1. Little Mermaid
2. Frozen
3. The Purge
I like anything really!

What is your favourite food, and when was the last time you ate it?

Chicken salad wrap - I've been eating it every day.

What 3 things would you choose to have with you if you were stranded on a desert island?

1. Hermione's bag-then I can bring everything I need
2. Big house with a swimming pool of course!
3. Personal chef

If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why?

Colin O’Donoghue - 'Hook' from Once Upon a Time
Adam Saleh - YouTuber
Jonathan Meyers - do I really need to say [why]?

What is your hidden talent?

Being me is a talent, LOL!


Thanks Vicky, you do make us all smile.

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