ESE Direct

Blog from ESE Direct

Staff Spotlight - Mike Wyard

mike wyard

What is your role at ESE Direct?

Finance Director

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I have some carer duties but in the rest of my time like holidays, tennis, walking/running (training for Great North Run)

Who are you listening to at the moment? 

The reassuring hum of our great sales and customer service teams satisfying our customers. Just like the “Wichita Lineman”  

What was the last book you read? 

I am reading an Anthony Trollope and Sebastian Faulks at the moment. 

What is your favourite film/last film you saw? 

Shawshank Redemption or Apollo 13 

If you could have dinner with 3 people living or dead who would it be and why? 

  • Pete Conrad

    – third astronaut on the moon, great guy, party animal 
  • Barry Cryer

    - endless supply of jokes (man goes into pet shop, wants to buy a wasp, when he was told that they don’t sell them he says “well, you’ve got one in the window”) 
  • Robert Kennedy

    – a politician who actually inspired 

 What is your hidden talent? 

 Boundless optimism – still waiting for my call-up to England’s World Cup Squad, as I have been since 1982.

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