ESE Direct

Blog from ESE Direct

It's Stoptober!

It’s that time of year again, nope not Halloween (although perhaps the prospects itself is scary) nope, it’s Stoptober!

stop smoking during stoptober

Last year more than a quarter of a million people took part in the campaign, and a massive 65% of those people successfully kicked the habit.

Smoking itself is not a new phenomenon and has been dated as far back as 5026 BC in shamanistic rituals. However with thousands of years of modernisation as well as law changes, it has meant that tobacco has now replaced more traditional (and now illegal) substances such as cannabis and opium which were popular at the time.

Smoking gained popularity in the 1920's reached it height in the 50's and 60's (Don Draper anyone?) but with more and more studies emerging that supported the evidence of smoking related diseases such as lung cancer, and bronchitis it ultimately ended in the banning of tobacco advertising and promotion in 2002 as part of the Tobacco and Promotion Act 2002 (TAPA).

You can still get involved with the NHS Smokefree for Better Health Campaign by visiting the NHS website site and registering, giving you free support tools and the reassurance that you will be joined by hundreds and thousands of other people in your shoes.

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